

Flatland Artist Studios September 2019

In the spring of 2018 a family friend told me about a collective of 15 artists renting studio space in one of Regina’s warehouse district buildings. Upon hearing that I immediately arranged to meet with someone at the studio to see if I could secure studio space. I met Gerri Ann Siwek who gave me a tour and provided me with an application form. In addition to ensuring all of the rental studios are occupied it was important Flatland Studios that the applicant is a good fit for the overall studio in terms of medium that the artist works in, (only have so much space/equipment to support an artist that works in clay) and in what other ways can the applicant offer value to the studio.

In November 2018 Gerri Ann contacted me advising that a studio space has become available and would I be interested. Well…Absolutely!

It was one of the smaller studios but it would be more than sufficient for what I needed so I agreed to move forward and secure the studio space. So on December 1, 2018 I moved into my new studio space. What an exciting moment for me. Previous to this I worked out of our condo apartment, taking over the entire space and in general being a real problem. As well, there was too many distractions working at home that really impacted my productivity. The new studio space was going to really resolve these concerns.

Since moving in I have produced about 20 abstract paintings. Not only am I more productive, I have really benefited from the creative vibe in the studio and the constructive comments that I have received from the other artists. I have also volunteered to help Debbie Potter, the Treasurer at Flatland Artist Studios with the monthly income/expense exercise for the overall Flatland Artist Studios. As well, I had the opportunity to work with Bernie, the president of Flatland Artist Studios and Debbie on renegotiating a new rental arrangement with the landlord. I really look forward to my ongoing participation with the Flatland Artist Studios.

One of the other benefits to the Flatland Artist Studios is the Mary Cooper Gallery that is part of the common area. The Flatland Artists have the opportunity of exhibiting their art in the Gallery. I have arranged to book the Gallery for an exhibition of my work for family and friends in September 2019. This will be the first exhibition of my work and I am looking forward to input that I will receive from family and friends.

Overall, my experience at Flatland Artist Studios has been extremely positive. I look forward to the opportunity to continue working there with the other artists. I believe the results will be outstanding.

Doug Scott